How To Advertise on Rumble

The Definitive Guide

This is a complete guide to Rumble ads.

In this in-depth post you will learn:

  • The Rumble Ads campaign basics
  • Video vs. Display ads
  • Expected CPMs
  • Targeting channels
  • Lots more
Let’s jump into it.
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Rumble Ads

The Basics

To cover the fundamentals, there is no better place to start than from the source of truth: Rumble’s own documentation on how to create a video campaign

My intention is to go a bit deeper and demonstrate other settings that have helped me run successful campaigns.

How do you determine if a campaign is successful?

That depends on the objectives you set to achieve when planning your advertising campaign. So whether it is more video views or more traffic to your site, only you can draw the parameters for your ROI.

Getting Started

Assuming that you already added funds in your Rumble Ads Wallet…

Go to the main menu, find “Advertisers” and select “New Campaign”.

In the Ad Type, select “Video” or “Display”.

In the Settings, give your new campaign a name, and I recommend applying a Label.

Pro Tip: As an agency, we run ads for several different clients, so we tend to put the client’s name in the naming convention and Label so we can identify them easily when reporting or optimizing. 

Rumble Ads: Video Vs. Display

When advertising on Rumble, you may run Video ads or Display ads.

Video Ad Specs:

  • Pre-Roll Only (for now)
  • Must be under 50 megabytes
  • Can run from your traditional 5-second bumper ad to up to 180 seconds.

Display Ad Specs:

  • Desktop Sidebar: 336×280 pixels
  • Mobile Bottom of the Page: 336×280 pixels
  • Mobile Under Video: 336×280
  • (Premium) Mobile Under Video: 336×280
  • (Premium) Mobile Bottom of the Page: 336×280
  • (Premium) Desktop Sidebar Related: 336×280
  • Desktop Under Video: 822×175
  • (Premium) Desktop Under Video: 822×175

If your intention is to create a Display campaign, I recommend you jump to Chapter 3 of this article, where I show how to advertise on TRUTH Social and Rumble.

That guide goes in-depth on Display ad placements for both TRUTH & Rumble, as well as campaign measurement through Rumble’s reporting dashboard and GA4.

But if you want to learn how to create Rumble Video Ads, then proceed with this article.

Rumble Video Ads


While I was unable to find specific documentation on the difference between the Regular Rumble Video and the Premium Rumble Video zones, I do have some preliminary KPIs.

More importantly, I still encourage you to run both zones and let your data determine what is working best for your specific objective.  

Preliminary KPIs:

  • (Regular) Rumble – Video: 2.9% CTR, $0.23 Cost-per-click, and $6.6 cost per thousand impressions.
  • Premium Rumble – Video: 1.15% CTR, $0.56 Cost-per-click, and $6.4 cost per thousand impressions.

Another inside scoop I know about the Rumble Video Zones is that you can actually target channels by keywords on the “Regular” Rumble Video.


How much are you willing to pay?

Set your desired CPM, Daily Budget, and other options.

I recommend spreading the daily budget, but that’s specific to your goals. I also recommend Flat Rate bidding and a reasonable Frequency Cap, but that is the Campaign Manager’s choice. I tend only to show the ad twice every hour. 

KPIs of my latest campaign:

Rumble Video Ads KPIs from a sample campaign
With only $126.56 in ad spend, we generated 52K impressions and 172 clicks.
That’s a CPM of $2.41, an click-through rate of 0.33%, and an average CPC of only $0.74!

(You should be excited too)


Keep It Simple

The targeting choices are pretty self-explanatory, and I can anecdotally say that when I tried to get too picky, my ads did not even run. (It was likely my fault, I’m not blaming the system).

Since targeting the entire U.S. works for my campaign objective, I’ve been keeping it simple lately. I select the United States and exclude Hawaii (sorry).

The reason I have been excluding Hawaii lately is that my intuition (keyword = intuition) tells me that Hawaii’s time zone affects the way my ads are being delivered in the rest of the continental US. 

I still have not made up my mind about Alaska.

I have taken a deep dive into my analytics, and I was pleased to see most of the impressions and clicks came from Desktops, iPhones, Samsung, LG, and iPads. “Other mobiles” formed a good chunk of it, but not enough to alarm me.

Rumble KPIs displaying Impressions by Device Type

Select your Scheduling and hit next.

But wait...

What if I don't Want To Keep It Simple?

So you want to target specific Rumble channels huh?


You can only do so for the regular Rumble Video Zone, this is not applicable to Premium yet.

In your targeting settings, enable the Keywords toggle, and then enter one keyword per line.

The keyword needs to match the exact title of the channel name as it appears in the URL.

Example: Assume you want to target

Keyword =  “lindelltv”

Not “Lindell TV” or “Melt Down The Machines” or “My Pillow 2.0” or “Promo Code POSO”. It’s just “lindelltv”

Uploading Creatives

Rumble Video Ads

Upload a video with valid parameters.

  • Can be a .mp4 file or link a VAST
  • Must be under 50 megabytes
  • Can run from your traditional 5-second bumper ad to up to 180 seconds.

Then select it & import it.

Give it a “Lander”, in which I highly recommend you use UTM parameters.

Hit the Create button, and your campaign is now ready to go live!

Rumble Ad Placements

Rumble has mobile and desktop ad placements as well as pre-roll capabilities.

Your ads can also be displayed below the video and on the right column, above the suggested videos.


Advertising On The Parallel Economy is Fun!

When you advertise on Rumble, you will reach America’s finest.

You will also help Defund Big Tech and Fund Pro Free Speech Platforms.

That sounds like a win-win-win to me.

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